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Winter Workshop Series: Two weeks left to submit!


I'll soon offer an online Winter Workshop Series for prose writers. Join us! It will run for five Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm ET (January 15 - February 12, 2024). The submission deadline is *December 15* and the course rate will be discounted if enrolled before this date. It's a friendly, supportive group and I provide concrete feedback for all participants. More details here.

The day I sang backup for Barry.


New Substack! For the Fanilows.

Read it here.

Thanks, dear subscriber.


Grateful for subscriber support! Subscribe to my Substack here.

Small Biz Saturday: Gift Certificates for All!


I try to avoid Black Friday. But I do like to support Small Business Saturday. If you do too, here's an option: From now through November 25, 2023, Swift Ink Stories Gift Certificates will be 20% off. Buy them for the writers you know and love or buy them for yourself. Certificates can be used for any Swift Ink offerings: monthly Pick Up the Pen sessions (online), 2024 Workshop Series (online), private coaching (online/in person) or private manuscript guidance (online/in person). Cute paper cards (below) or digital versions available. Please reach out via the contact page.



I took the plunge: Substack! Come join me. Free monthly writing prompts for all (plus news about my chickens) and access to 130+ archived prompts if you like. Sign up here.

Winter Workshop Series dates announced!


Submissions are now open!


What it is: The ONLINE workshop series is for writers looking for accountability, camaraderie and support. (And fun!) The series runs for five weeks; each weekly session is two hours. Participants form close bonds and learn from each other in this intimate, productive and FRIENDLY series.


Workshop format: We'll meet on Zoom. You'll read participants' drafts  ahead of time and come prepared with reflective feedback. I'll provide brief lessons on elements of craft (point of view, dialogue, structure, scene-building, etc.) and give you prompts to work on between our sessions. Attendance at all five sessions is required. Class size will be limited.


2024 Winter Workshop dates: Five Mondays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm ET. January 15, 22 and 29; February 5 and 12


Please reach out via the contact page for questions and details. And/or see the SWIFT INK STORIES tab. I look forward to reading your work!


Private Manuscript Guidance

Patrick Tomasso


I was delighted to receive this testimonial from a recent client. (Who wrote a wonderful book!) If you'd like to collaborate, I'm taking new clients for private manuscript guidance this fall. Just reach out via the contact page.


"Working with Lara Tupper for private manuscript guidance on my novel felt like a dream-come-true. Not only was it a joy to connect with her, but she was able to home in on exactly what my manuscript needed. Even though I have experience as an editor, showing someone else my work for the first time is extremely difficult for me. My sensitive-artist soul appreciated Lara's perfect blend of compassionate encouragement and insightful, critical feedback.


Almost every single one of Lara's comments resonated with me ‒ they gave me the direction and the confidence I needed to springboard me into this revision process. Now, after completing the rewrite, I can see how she helped tighten the manuscript to bring out the best it could be.


I highly recommend Lara Tupper's manuscript guidance service and look forward to using it again on my next book!"


-- Ali Keehn, Former Assistant Editor at Philomel Books, (div. of Penguin Putnam, Inc.), and Former U.S. Editor at Barefoot Books 

Odes to Melville


A celebratory salon to cap the 2022-2023 Writing Series at Arrowhead, home of Herman Melville (Pittsfield, MA). Teachers and participants shared Melville-inspired work in Herman's old barn.

Fall Writing Workshop Series (online) starts Sept. 12


Fall Writing Workshop Series:


"It was so interesting and fun to connect with other writers, to hear Lara's feedback, and to see how it ended up shaping my own work."


"I found Lara's approach useful because everyone was disarmed. No need to be defensive. I could take in more of the feedback and revise."


"The best part of the workshop series was Lara's gentle, positive guidance and support over the five-week period. Equally important was the opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow writers about each other's work. There was great camaraderie, which made the experience invaluable."