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Amphibians spotted in A Quiet Root


I just discovered A Quiet Root: "We comb through hundreds of literary magazines to bring you one stellar poem or flash fiction piece every weekday." https://aquietroot.com/ This strikes me as a good way to slow down and absorb snippets. On August 11 they chose a paragraph from "Amphibians," the title story from my story collection. Thanks for letting a few words take root.

OFF ISLAND spotted at The Mount.


Spotted in the wild: OFF ISLAND in the Little Free Library at The Mount, home of Edith Wharton (Lenox, MA). My mama (see reflection) was proud.

Who wore it better?


Who wore it better? Outfit inspired by one of my favorite teachers, Mister Fred Rogers. I brought my workshop, Journaling for Wellness, to the at the Otis Library (Otis, MA) and met a fabulous group of writers. Thanks, Otis Cultural Council and @MassCulturalCouncil, for your generous support. #intheberkshires #intheneighbourhood

Ink and Song at the Bookloft on July 7 @ 6 pm


I'll read a bit and sing a bit with Bobby Sweet on July 7 at the Bookloft in Great Barrington, MA for their After Hours Series, 6:00 pm. Love this indie bookstore! $10 admission which can be used toward the purchase of a book (next time you visit the Bookloft).

Mother's Day Literary Salon at Hot Plate


Fun to read with Anna Lotto, Matthew Muller and Mike Dell'Aquila at Hot Plate (Pittsfield, MA). And to meet Anna's niece!

Happy Indie Bookstore Day!


Happy #independentbookstoreday! Some of my favorites: Print: A Bookstore (Portland, ME), The Bookloft (Great Barrington, MA), The Bookstore (Lenox, MA), Sherman's Maine Coast Bookshop (Boothbay Harbor, ME). They may not stock my very first title (age 10), but don't let that stop you. 

Celebrating Earth Day and Poetry Month with Mary Oliver's words


A joy to pay homage to Mary Oliver at the Chatham Public Library, Chatham NY.  

Herman Melville's Arrowhead


Such a thrill to bring my writing workshop to Herman Melville's Arrowhead, Pittsfield, MA. Grateful!

Thank you, memoirists!


What a great group of writers at the Lee Library Association! Thanks to the fearless memoirists who showed up with pens at the ready and to the Massachustts Cultural Council/Lee Cultural Council for making it possible. (Glad to share Swift Ink SWAG.) I'll next present this free class, Start Your Memoir, in a two-part series at the Becket Athenaeum, Becket, MA, on June 1 and June 8. See SWIFT INK STORIES tab for details.

OFF ISLAND audiobook on sale through 2/8/23


The audiobook version of my novel, OFF ISLAND, narrated by the wonderful voice actor Linda Jones, is on sale through February 8 from ChirpBooks. It's about Paul Gauguin in Maine and the women who got him there.

